CEAP classification

  • Clinical (C 0-6, a=asymptomatic, s=symptomatic)
  • Etiologic (c, p ,s)
  • Anatomic (s, d, p)
  • Pathophysiologic (r, o)

Clinical classification (C 0-6)

  • Class 0: No visible or palpable signs of venous disease
  • Class 1 (a,s): Teleangiectasias or reticular veins
  • Class 2 (a,s): Varicose veins
  • Class 2r: Recurrent varicose veins
  • Class 3 (a,s): Edema
  • Class 4a (a,s): Cutaneous alteration: Pigmentation, eczema
  • Class 4b (a,s): Lipodermatosclerosis, atrophic blanche
  • Class 4c: Corona phlebectatica
  • Class 5:(a,s): Healed venous ulcer
  • Class 6: Active venous ulcer
  • Class 6r: Recurrent active venous ulcer

Summary of etiologic (E) classification

  • Ep = Primary
  • Es = Secondary
  • Esi = Secondary e intravenous
  • Ese = Secondary e extravenous
  • Ec = Congenital
  • En = No cause identified

Anatomic classification (As, Ad, Ap)

  • As = Superficial veins
  • Ad = Deep veins
  • Ap = Perforator veins
  • Superficial Veins: As
    • 1 – teleangiectasia, internal saphenous reticular veins:
    • 2 – above the knee veins
    • 3 – below the knee superficial veins
    • 4 – external saphenous vein
    • 5 – non saphenous district veins
  • Deep veins: Ap
    • 6 – inferior vena cava, iliac vein
    • 7 – common vein
    • 8 – internal
    • 9 – exterrnal
    • 10 – genital pelvic veins,
    • 11 – common femoral vein
    • 12 – deep
    • 13 – superficial
    • 14 – popliteal vein
    • 15 – crural veins: posterior tibial veins, anterior tibial veins, peroneal veins
    • 16 – muscle veins: gemellar veins, soleal veins
  • Perforating veins: Ap
    • 17 – at the level of the tight
    • 18 – at the level of the leg

Physiopathological classification (Pr, Po)

  • Pr = reflux
  • Po = obstruction
  • Pr+o = reflux + obstruction
  • Pn = No pathophysiology identified

Lurie F, Passman M, Meisner M, Dalsing M, Masuda E, Welch H, Bush RL, Blebea J, Carpentier PH, De Maeseneer M, Gasparis A, Labropoulos N, Marston WA, Rafetto J, Santiago F, Shortell C, Uhl JF, Urbanek T, van Rij A, Eklof B, Gloviczki P, Kistner R, Lawrence P, Moneta G, Padberg F, Perrin M, Wakefield T. The 2020 update of the CEAP classification system and reporting standards. J Vasc Surg Venous Lymphat Disord. 2020 May;8(3):342-352. doi: 10.1016/j.jvsv.2019.12.075. Epub 2020 Feb 27. PMID: 32113854.

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